The Gatekeeper Program is a community outreach program whose purpose is to identify, refer and treat older adults who are in need of mental health, health and/or social services. Often the first person to recognize that a senior’s health is failing or they are in some kind of danger, is not a family member, but a community member, what is called a non-traditional referral source. It’s someone who comes into contact with seniors during their everyday work activities. It could be anyone- mail carriers, meter readers, bank tellers, apartment managers, store clerks, restaurant employees, and many others. Gatekeepers help improve the lives of seniors throughout our community, including in assisted living settings and adult family homes Vancouver, WA.
The Gatekeeper model was created in 1978 in Spokane, WA. There are now Gatekeeper programs in communities all across the country. The goal is for people in each community to become aware of the early signs or changes in the behavior of elderly or disabled residents that might indicate mental, emotional, financial or health needs.
Without Gatekeepers many elderly community members might not receive the necessary help, and their independence, health, and even their life could be in jeopardy. To request a Gatekeeper training, contact the Clark County Information and Assistance Program, or your local area’s agency on aging.