• Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA Assist Families

    When you are caring for an elderly parent there is often the complication of disagreement between family members about how things should be handled. It is very common for the adult children of older parents to hold differing opinions about how their care should be managed. These conflicts can be constructive if they lead to more effective communication between family members, or they lead to a more unified purpose, or increase the collaboration among family members. These things can come about if people can move from talking about what they want to why they want it. If everyone can begin to discuss what their motivation is, the conversation is more likely to move toward a satisfying solution. The first step to take in resolving a conflict is to clarify everyone’s position. This includes spelling out not only what they want, but also why they want it. Then you need to discuss everyone’s positions, opinions, and interests thoroughly. Do this with […]

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  • Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA Help With Assisted Living Selection

    After you have made the big decision to move to assisted living, you will face the task of choosing which facility is the right one for you. A big consideration will be the location of the home. It’s so important that you select a location that you will be happy with over time. A Caring Heart Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA is here to help with this big decision. Think about what it’s most important to you to have nearby. You may want to live somewhere new and enjoy exciting new things to see and do. Perhaps there’s somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, a climate that seems more inviting. However, most seniors prefer to stay in the area where they currently live. The vast majority of seniors want to have family and friends close by, and to live in a familiar area. They want to stay as close to “home” as possible, and be able to keep going to the […]

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  • Gift Ideas From Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA

    As the holiday season is upon us once again, our thoughts turn to family. A Caring Heart Senior Advisers Vancouver WA offer some gift ideas for the seniors in your life. Often the best gift you can give them is your time and attention. Here we will explore some ideas for spending time with your loved ones and maybe even creating some new memories to be recalled in the future. When spending time with your older loved one, showing an interest in their past can spark forgotten memories that you may have never heard. You can start by helping them gather special mementos and pictures from times gone by. You can listen to the stories associated with these keepsakes, and then you may want to help them create a scrapbook or a journal. You can write down the story around the photo or the item. You will no doubt be amazed by the stories of where they have been and […]

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  • Communicating With Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA

    As senior advisors in Vancouver, WA we see several different kinds of communication disorders that can affect seniors. Understanding the symptoms of these speech, language and hearing problems can help seniors receive the treatment they need as soon as possible. The most common communication problem is hearing loss, which affects more than 10 million seniors in the U.S., and is usually age-related hearing loss. This loss of hearing happens gradually, and usually begins with difficulty hearing high frequency sounds such as voices. Symptoms include problems hearing in noisy environments, ringing in the ears, and voices sounding muffled. The primary treatment for this condition is hearing aids. Aphasia is an impairment of language ability. The major causes of aphasia are stroke and head injury. Symptoms may include the inability to understand language, the inability to form or pronounce words, and the inability to read or write. Aphasia presents differently in different people and is usually treated by a team of experts […]

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  • Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA: Help With Downsizing

    Collections of all kinds can bring joy to the owner. They can also take on a life of their own, and grow to larger proportions than you ever imagined. When it comes time to move out of your beloved home, or to downsize your home and belongings, selling your collectibles may be one of your options.  A Caring Heart senior advisers Vancouver, WA have some tips for getting the most for your treasures. The two big factors in selling collectibles are determining the right price and finding a buyer for your collection. Here are some suggested resources to use in deciding what you will sell your collectibles for. First, try the kovels.com website or get the “Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide” at the library. Check Ebay and other online dealers for current prices. You can also pay for an appraisal if you think your items are worth more than a little. Look for an appraiser who is an expert […]

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  • News For Senior Wellness From Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA

    Senior advisors Vancouver, WA know video games are not just for kids and teenagers any more! With the advent of new technology, video games now have a variety of uses for seniors and people with mobility problems. The invention of motion sensor and controller-free games has brought into being a new way of doing physical therapy and exercise. The user has only to stand and move in front of the sensor in order to play. This technology is a perfect fit for the senior population. The game also provides immediate feedback to the user about how well he or she is following the movements. A company called Log-Tek USA has taken this new technology and created a tool like an exercise video game that can be used by physical therapists and occupational therapists to teach patients how to perform their exercises effectively. It provides real time feedback to the senior about how she is performing the exercises and allows the […]

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  • Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA: Call Us

    Just like most of the rest of the country, much of the senior population uses cell phones in their daily lives. It is estimated that nearly 70% of Americans 65 and older now own a cell phone. That is just a little less than the 75.5% of the overall population that owns cell phones. This percentage will continue to increase as the baby boom generation ages. One of the main characteristics seniors appreciate in a cell phone is simplicity of use. A phone with more bells and whistles is not usually going to be the phone of choice for a senior. Because the seniors of today did not grow up with cell phones, they are not usually as comfortable with the technology as the seniors of tomorrow will be. The top cell phone features that seniors usually look for are the display and the buttons. Since many seniors have diminished vision the display needs to be easy to read, which […]

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  • A Facebook Study From Senior Advisors Vancouver, WA

    A recent study done at the University of Arizona was designed to test whether teaching older adults to use Facebook could a) help improve their cognitive functioning, and b) enable them to feel more socially connected. The participants ranged in age from 68 to 91. After eight weeks the study group that learned to use Facebook scored 25% higher than their pre-study scores for cognitive function and also on their social variables, which included loneliness levels and amount of social support. The improvement may be due to participating in the social nature of Facebook, or due to the mental activity of learning something new, or a combination of these two factors. There is a body of research that shows that older people who stay cognitively active, learning new skills and using their intellect, will score higher on cognitive tests than those who don’t keep their minds active. Another group of studies shows that those who stay socially engaged, are less […]

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